Good news: This year's barbaric seal slaughter ended last night, and thanks to caring people like you who repeatedly took action to save seals, we are one step closer to ending the seal massacre once and for all. More than 80 percent of the seals who had been marked for death were spared this year!
The worldwide demand for seal fur is plummeting, thanks in part to activists like you, and this is the beginning of the end for the seal slaughter. The European Union has banned the sale of seal products, and the U.S. Senate unanimously passed U.S. Senate Resolution 84, which calls for an end to the annual seal slaughter. There are few places left for sealers to sell the pelts of the dead animals because of the global outcry against the slaughter that we have created, and as a result, we are slowly but surely winning the fight against the annual massacre. Thank you for all that you've done to save the seals—your efforts have made a difference!
However, while this year's slaughter is over, we must all promise not to let up in our fight. At PETA, we have year-long plans to continue to apply pressure to the Canadian government. And we hope that you'll continue to visit CanadasShame.com to find out other ways that you can help seals. Please also visit PETA.org in order to extend your mighty reach to other animals who are suffering as we speak. Seals need us now more than ever.
Tracy Reiman
Executive Vice President
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
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