Dear Father God,
I come to you today to ask you to watch over and protect my litle granddaughter, Ciarra Alexandria. As she grows up in a world filled with hate and suffering, drugs and wars, I ask you to continue to keep her safe from all these evils. Daily, dear Lord, we see many young people suffering from starvation and abuse, just to name a few. Poverty has now become so common that it seems we are faced with far more than our ancestors had to deal with. Crime had increased because of the economical situations that has created monsters of youths, and addicts of our people. Dear Lord, please help us before it is too late. Keep our children and their children safe. Help us to be able to bring up our children to know, honour and respect you.
I pray for my grandchildren every day. I also pray for all of the children in Belize, and especially for those I know personally. You can read the story of children we have made friends with in Belize here.
and here
I have a "son" named Jonathan that I feature in my blog http://brenda-lifethroughphotos.com He is the sweetest little fellow. So like the relationship you all have with Jeffrey. He calls us mama and papa, too! God is wonderful!
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